The primary Episcopal Worship Services offered at Grace Episcopal Church are liturgical services authorized by the Episcopal Church USA. They are contained in the Book of Common Prayer that is the basis of Episcopal Worship throughout the Worldwide Anglican Communion. The Book of Common Prayer used by Episcopal Churches in America is derived from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer used in the British Isles and the Scottish Book of Common Prayer. After the American Revolution, the Church in Scotland ordained the first American Episcopal Church bishop.


The Book of Common Prayer contains a variety of forms for prayer including Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline and Rite One and Rite Two Prayers for Holy Eucharist (aka Holy Communion). There are liturgies for Matrimony, Burial, Holy Baptisms, Confirmations and Ordinations. There are prayers and thanksgivings for common events in our common life. The Book of Common Prayer also contains the entire Book of Psalms from the Holy Bible.


Liturgy literally means the work of the people. Our liturgies are designed to put words and music around our thoughts and feelings toward God, words of worship, concerns and praise. Rite One Liturgies are written in a traditional Elizabethan form of expression using thee and thou pronouns. Rite One liturgies are those in the Book of Common Prayer that are most closely connected with our 16th century Anglican beginnings. Rite Two liturgies are contemporary expressions of Episcopal theology.

The Rite One Holy Eucharist Liturgy is always offered at the 8 o’clock a.m. service. The service always features communion of blessed bread and wine.

The Rite One Liturgy follows most closely the Eucharist Liturgy from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. The language is poetic and rich with meaning. The Rite one Liturgy can be accessed here: – click on The Holy Eucharist and then select The Holy Eucharist Rite I. There is minimal music at this service and no choir.


From October through the last Sunday in May, the 8 o’clock a.m. service is located at our church in Kilmarnock at 303 South Main Street. In the summer, from the first Sunday in June through the fourth Sunday in September, the 8 o’clock a.m. service is located at Historic Christ Church.

The Rite Two Holy Eucharist Liturgy is always offered at the 8 o’clock a.m. service. The service always features communion of blessed bread and wine.

The Rite Two Liturgy is written in a more contemporary language style than the Rite One Liturgy. The words are rich with meaning and speak into our modern theological understanding of Christ’s presence in the world in and through us. The Rite Two Liturgy can be accessed here: click on The Holy Eucharist and then select The Holy Eucharist Rite II.


This service is always held in the main sanctuary at Grace Church and includes a full choir from September through May.