Adult Forum

A mentor priest once said, “Christian Education is an oxymoron.” That may sound shocking because there is so much to learn about the Bible and about theology and about the universal church. Learning, though, can be understood as coming to know facts and facts are very important. But the foundation of Christianity is the greatest of all human mysteries. It is a way of life that is not based on facts but rather based on faith.


At Grace Church, the goal of Christian Formation is to explore and grow that faith in conversation and dialogue with each other. There are many ways to go about growing faith but very few of them involve memorizing facts and data. Instead, the best way to grown faith is to absorb new understandings about the message of God and Christ as revealed in scripture, in story, in the created world and universe and in our traditions. In the Episcopal Church, one of the major resources available to all of us is reason, the ability to make sense out of what is seen or heard or experienced.


Adult Formation presents opportunities for exploring and growing faith each Sunday, September through May. All are invited to join in the conversation. No homework is required. There are no prerequisites. Just come, relax and bring an open mind and heart.


In Grace House, 9:40am through 10:20am