Christian Formation

The name associated with learning in the Christian context used to be Sunday School. That changed sometime in the early part of the 21st century. Like a light bulb moment, an epiphany of sorts, church leaders realized that Christianity cannot be taught. An individual internalizes Christianity, gradually becomes more and more like Jesus. The process occurs much the same way that one matures, absorbing knowledge and wisdom as a person experiences life.


At school, students memorize facts and theories for tests. Memorizing scripture is fine, but just memorizing and not inwardly digesting words does very little to change a person. Quoting from memory does not transform hearts. Following Jesus does.


Individuals are formed into the full stature of Christ if they choose to follow Him. The opportunities offered at Grace Church to people of all ages are designed to immerse them in the Christian story in a way that allows them to grow in faith, knowledge, and gratitude.