Stewardship Survey

We have all been blessed by God with gifts that flow through us. Like the air we breathe, our gifts are not ours to claim as our own but expressions of our Creator who inspires us to use them for a greater good.


Through this survey, please let us know how you might share your gifts with Grace Episcopal Church.

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The Gift of Communication (Please indicate your stewardship of interest):
Speaking (Communicating the spoken word with passion and clarity)
Writing (Formulating thoughts and expressing them in written form to inspire encouragement, guidance, knowledge, and enlightenment to the reader)
Teaching & Learning (Creating a learning environment in which minds and hearts are drawn into the process of illumination and possible transformation)
Music (Creating or performing music for the uplifting of others)
The Gift of Healing (Please indicate your stewardships of interest)
Healing (Serving as a channel of wholeness for restoring health and well-being)
Pastoral Visitation
Hospitality (Creating an open space where trust and celebration are evident)
The Gift of Leadership (Please indicate your stewardships of interest)
Wisdom / Vision (Discerning new pathways for constructing initiatives with confidence)
Management (Administering the vision from leadership through organization and the oversight of human and material resources)
Coaching & Mentoring (Guiding others, by example for increasing their effectiveness in the application of gifts that flow through them)
Serving (Leading others by serving basic needs and utilizing your talents. Please relay your gifts and talents below)
Art, Media & Design
Office & Administration
Writing & Education
Technical Skills
Food & Beverage