Parish Visitors

Funeral Receptions

Funeral Services

The Parish Visitors are a group of lay members of Grace Church who visit members confined temporarily or indefinitely to their homes, assisted living or nursing care facilities. We believe that these folks miss the interaction with their church community and we seek to alleviate their loneliness. We wish to reassure them that their contribution to the life of Grace Church was and is still appreciated. Most of all, we hope our presence can be an avenue through which they are reminded of God’s love for them.

Each month three or four visitors from the group visit each of person from our list of home bound parishoners at least twice during the month. Each Parish Visitor might have 6 to 8 people to visit during their term of service. At present, most of the people we visit are residents of RW-C, the Lancashire, or Commonwealth Senior Living.

At the beginning of their month of service, visitors meet with the team of visitors who have completed the previous month, sharing insights as well as practical observations about how the spiritual needs of those we are visiting have been and might continue to be met.

A Parish Visitor selects which month(s) he or she is willing to volunteer for this ministry. As more members of Grace decide to join Parish Visitors, the time commitment will diminish. Presently, most Visitors serve two months during the year (though not two months in succession).

The Funeral Reception Committee considers it an honor to help
bereaved families of members who die by offering refreshment and fellowship
in Grace House following the funeral or memorial service. We work in close contact with the family to make the presentation of Grace House beautiful
and the atmosphere comfortable. The family is asked to provide the food, and we provide all else. A list of recommended caterers is available.

We see this as a sacred time, and we make every effort to show respect
for the deceased and for those who come to remember them.

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