The Rev Kimberly Glenn


The Rev. Kimberly Baker Glenn accepted a call to Grace and began her ministry here August 1, 2019. She received her M. Div. from Union Presbyterian Seminary in 2013 and completed a Certificate of Anglican Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary in May of 2015. She began her ministry at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Lynchburg, VA in June of 2015 and was ordained in December 2015. Before discerning a call to ordained ministry, Kim served extensively in various lay ministries, specifically with Youth and Outreach and earned a Master of Christian Education from UPSem in 2005. Additionally, Kim has had an extensive business career and has a BS in Business and Economics from Mary Baldwin College. Kim is married to Charles Glenn, a retired patent attorney. They have three children. The oldest son and middle daughter are married, the youngest son is single. They all live in Richmond. Their daughter has two children who are their grandparents delight in life. They also have a precious pet Dalmatian named Penny.

The Rev Jeffrey Patnaude

Assisting Priest

Jeffrey Patnaude, ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1974, served as rector of two large suburban parishes in Ohio and California until 1988 when he answered a call to develop a Ministry in the Marketplace. Having discovered in his congregations business leaders hungry for the application of “spiritual practices at work,” Patnaude went on through his seminars, executive coaching, keynote speeches and books to have influenced the lives and leadership of over 40,000 leaders to embrace the model of Servant Leadership.

Author of six books on leadership and 31 children’s books, Patnaude recently moved to the water in White Stone with his dear wife Susan and their two dogs. He is the proud father of two daughters, Julie and Laura, and Granddaddy to Ella Marie and Jordyn Grace Robblee.

Dr. Seung-Hye Kim

Music Director

Dr. Seung-Hye Kim was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance from Seoul National University and Master’s degree in Electronic Music Composition from Korean National University of Arts, and Ph.D. in Music Composition from University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Previously, Seung-Hye has served as the organist at Church of Our Savior Episcopal Church, Charlottesville, Virginia for four years and music director/organist for five years at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Newport News, Virginia, where she directed a small (but mighty!) adult choir and a handbell choir. Seung-Hye is a composer and performer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. Her compositions have been awarded in competitions in Korea and Italy, released on a CD label by Society of Electro-Acoustic Music in the US, and performed in numerous conferences and festivals in the US and abroad. As a pianist, she frequently performs solo recitals where she features works by influential composers from the 20th century and after. Seung-Hye and her husband, Max, both teach music at Christopher Newport University in Newport News. Outside of music and teaching, they enjoy their regular horror movie viewing with friends, growing carnivorous plants, video games, and training their dog Vili for various programs sponsored by American Kennel Club such as Rally, Fast CAT, Trick Dog, and Agility.

Bett Harrison Bryant

Parish Administrator

I’ve been a lifelong resident of the Northern Neck. I have been a lifelong Episcopalian. I grew up attending St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Fleeton and I went to Northumberland Schools. I then graduated from Rappahannock Community College with an Arts and Sciences Degree with Business specialization. I have since begun studies with Old Dominion University working towards my Degree in Business with a Minor in Information Technologies.

In my free time I enjoy cooking, boating and fishing, playing with my fur babies and most importantly spending time with friends and family.

Marvin Davenport


Marvin Davenport comes to Grace Church as Sexton with varied experience, including the College of William and Mary. Marvin is a very important part of the church. He is responsible for preparation for upcoming events and meetings as well as maintaining the grounds and buildings.

Grace Vestry Members



Jeff Irby and Lucy Hooper


Paula Stallard

Senior Warden

Martha Gilbert

Junior Warden

Doug Biedenweg

Class of 2024

Doug Biedenweg

Lucy Hooper

Eddy Whichard

Martha Gilbert

Class of 2025

Terri Dort

Bolling Williamson

Pauline Sulick

Thomas Gibson

Class of 2026

David Charlton

Robert Lucas

Laura Frank Sale

Kathy Spangler

Vestry 2023 Mission Statement

Proclaim the Word, Spread the Word, Be the Word.

The Vestry is a group of elected lay members of the church who serve as the governing body. They manage affairs of the church, including governance of finances, policies, and procedures. Grace Church has a twelve member Vestry, with a rotation of four members off and on each year. Members are elected by the parish at the Annual Meeting in December and serve a three year term which begins the following January.

The head of the Vestry is the Rector of the church. The Vestry elects wardens and officers each year. The Senior Warden is the senior lay member of the Vestry, who oversees the work of the church and serves as a consultant to the Rector. The Junior Warden is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all church buildings and grounds. Officers consist of a Register, who functions as the secretary and official signature of the Vestry, and the Treasurer, who administers all church finances.

The Vestry meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Highlights of this meeting are noted in the monthly newsletter, “Times of Grace” and meeting minutes are posted on the vestry bulletin board in Grace House.